Oakland University
O'Dowd Hall, Room 328
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
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Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico is a self governing, unincorporated territory of the United States. It is located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of the Virgin Islands. Puerto Rico includes the main island of Puerto Rico, which is the smallest of the Greater Antilles, and several smaller islands and keys.

The land is very mountainous and La Cordillera Central is the main mountainous range. Included in this range is Cerro de Punta, at 4,390 feet, the highest elevation point in Puerto Rico. Being that this country is located in the tropics, seasons rarely drastically change and there is an average daily temperature of 82.4 degrees year round. The capital, San Juan, is located on the north coast of the main island.

Puerto Rico's head of state is the President of the United States but has very limited representation in the US Congress. The countries government is composed of three branches: the Executive branch headed by the Governor, the Legistlative branch, which includes a Senate and a House of Representatives, and a Judicial branch, headed by the Chief Justice of the Puerto Rico Supreme Court. The governor and legislators are elected by popular vote every four years, while members of the Judicial branch are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Puerto Rican culture is a mixture of African, Amerindian, Spanish and North American cultures. From each of these cultures Puerto Rico has obtained a wide variety of traditions and values. The Africans brought a type of music and dance including percussion instruments and maracas. The Amerindians have contributed different foods and instruments. The Spanish brought the Spanish language, Catholic religion and many moral values and traditions. The North Americans have brought the English language and the university system.

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Quick Facts

Population: 3,998,905
Capital: San Juan
Per-capita GDP: $ 16300
Size: 13,790 km2
Time Zone: (GMT - 04:00 hours) Atlantic Time (Canada)

US State Department

Travel Warning: YES
See :
Country Specific Info.

Country information is adapted from public domain resources including the CIA World Fact Book and www.Wikipedia.org.
Please report errors or concerns to questions@abroadoffice.net.

Oakland University International Education